One more week...

Some of my favos from the collection (I did not just grabbed every single thing off the website I swear ;)
This Alexander Wang for H&M collection has certainly generated a lot of hype, as all past H&M collaborations did, but it so deserves it. Apart from the down jackets (even though H&M claims that their animal products are collected in humane ways) and leather garments, I'm falling very desperately in love with all the other pieces. Have been loving this sports luxe trend for quite a long time now and neoprene, aka scuba, is most certainly taking the throne of 'Fabric of the year' in my heart. Plus all in black and grey? Yes gimme 'em all please.

Will definitely be heading to Sydney H&M next Thursday morning for these beauts. Hooray to the long-waited Sydney store!

What do you think of this collection? You can now see all the pieces on H&M's website Here

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